My dad always told me that just because someone has a college degree doesn't mean they have common sense. I find that this rings pretty true when you're in the line of work I'm in. People can't perform simple tasks but because they got good enough grades to get a piece of paper claiming they were smart they make more money than a moron like me. It's all bullshit but it's reality so I'm forced to deal.
No one in my office proves the theory better than a woman I call The Sheepdog. She is in her late 40s or early 50s, not that it matters but seems to know nothing aside from one very basic function of her job - printing out paper. She's very good at that. I know this because every time I receive something from her it's like she takes 2 or 3 trees down by herself. If she were at Kinko's all those nickels would really add up.
Aside from her proficiency at small scale deforestation she's not good for much else. She doesn't seem to be able to tell time correctly. This was proven the other day when she brought down a run at 10:45. She said it was supposed to go for the 10:00 run but she didn't put in for her check until 10:30. She then told me that it had to be at it's location by 11:00 and I had to retrieve it again and have it back in her hand by 4:00. Lots of numbers that seemed to make her lose her way. I informed her that she was late for the 10:00 run by about 45 minutes and she just looked at me confused. The head cocked sideways, canine type of confused.
It's not uncommon for her to look lost like when I further had to explain that if she wanted to get something back the same day she would have to get a larger check and it needed to be filed by 10:30. She then asked if I could get the check and then come up to her to get filing. Ah, laziness, a true quality that always shows it's head around my office. I just said no, took what she had and left.
I wonder what it's like to be so delusional that in your own mind you're a responsible adult but to everyone else you function like a fickle four year old. Is it entitlement that everyone else should help you because you have some piece of paper that they don't? Is it just out right ignorance that people will not bend to your ways simply because of your job title? Whatever it is, I hate having to look up and see these two beady eyes looking out from a pile of white hair. It's always followed by the question, "Can you help me?"